Thanks Alan for the reply.

Kindly let me know some of the file-names in "devel"; so that I may search for those files, and look at their "installlation" paths :) .

Thanks and Regards,

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Alan Horstmann <> wrote:
On Tuesday 03 April 2012 17:39, Ajay Garg wrote:
> (Thanks to Richard Ash,, at first place.)
> Anyways, I gave a try with compiling and installing libmad from
> "libmad-0.15.1b.tar.gz"; however, after that, when I did "./configure
> --with-libmad" for audacity, it still shows "LIBMAD: disabled".
> Surely, there _is_ a different way to get "libmad-devel" installed on
> armv7l; I will be grateful for help in this regard :)

If I have it correct, when you install from source the header files get
installed also, and they are why the -devel package has to be added if doing
from pre-built packages.

It may be that they are being put somewhere that audacity doesn't find them?
Try to check the location?  The audacity configure log will give you clues

