Hi to all,

I neet to get the time of the song when it is playing. I am using the code below:

enum mad_flow header(void *data, struct mad_header const *header)
    mad_timer_add(&musicTimer, header->duration);

long mp3_song_time(void)
    return mad_timer_count(musicTimer, MAD_UNITS_MILLISECONDS);

The code works, but it is not fast enough. I am getting the time with "mp3_song_time" faster than the header is called. (obs: I am using two processors, one to decode the song and the other to run the code that uses the song time).

Is there another way to get the right (more accurate) time?

Thanks in advance,

Carlos Henrique Gomes Correia
Game Programmer
Interama Games

Skype: carloshgcorreia
Tel: +55 27 3345 8525
Web: www.interama.net