Entwicklung wrote:
How does one get to see hidden files/ change the attributes on Mac OS 9 ? Someone had written that this is possible using Apple's ResEdit but I thought that was just for editing icons and the like. Can one get to see hidden system-files at all ?
Yes, absolutely.
What else is ResEdit used for normally - is this relevant to external HFS-readonly volumes ?
ResEdit was created by Apple to allow Mac developers to customize the resource forks of the apps they created. Since the creation of the Mac in 1984, the Mac OS (up to X) has used the resource fork to specify things such as file and creator types, visibility, read/write permissions (lock mechanism), icons, creation and modification dates, etc. Every file has one, at least to a certain extent.
There is no use editing resource forks of files on a read-only disk, because, obviously, the changes made cannot be saved.