This is my first interaction with u all. I am need of a litlle guidance. I have been assigned to work for a Hybrid CD. It should work on Windows. I have seen Ahead Nero software( a cd writer software). It has an option for HYBRID CD. But on selecting that option , the user has to select a MAC partition first. This partition is burned on to the CD as it is. But I will have to write the software taking files from Windows partitions only and write them to the CD in the AppleHFS format . Can anybody of you please help me by giving an insight to how to start about it??? Thanking you all, and waitng for a helping mail.
Not sure why you should want to write your own CD mastering application - there are a small number of packages available that can already do this:
MacImage (
CDEveryWhere (
mkisofs - part of the cdrtools package ( ne/employees/joerg.schilling/private/cdrecord.html)
I know very little about MacImage and CDEveryWhere
mkisofs is a Unix command line application - that can be compiled on Windows - as it's a GPL'ed application, you get the source code - which may help you.
James Pearson