One of the things missing from mklinux right now that we're looking at ways to implement is the equivalent of 'fdisk'. The major utilisation for this would be to display the partition table for disk that is already formatted in order to get the partition names and types for mounting or hmounting, although the ability to change partition names/types/sizes would also be useful.
Would this be something appropriate for the hfstools? I notice that much of the library code necessary to scan the partition table is already in place, could a new command (or an option to hmount or hvol) easily use this to display the partition information?
Partition naming is O/S dependent, so the hfstools might require some knowledge about the O/S partition naming scheme. For information, mklinux uses standard linux device names, ie. /dev/sd followed by scsi device (a-h map to device ID 0-7) then partition number (0 is raw disk, 1 is hfs partition map, 2 is (often) a driver partition, 3 is (often) the first hfs partition, etc).
eg : /dev/sdc3 is scsi device 2 partition number 3.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? :-)
[ Nick ] -- Nick Stephen Web: OSF Research Institute Email: 2, Avenue de Vignate Phone: +33 76 63 48 72 38610 Gieres - France Fax: +33 76 51 05 32