On Thu, 22 Aug 1996, Paul H. Hargrove wrote:
There remains one reported bug, and that is that the sizes of the resource fork under AppleDouble and Netatalk are stored in the wrong byte-order, so Netatalk clients see small files as being absolutely huge. The (untested) fix is the following patch:
This patch seems to have fixed the problem with file sizes. Just thought folks should know it isn't completely untested anymore...:)
Thank you Paul!
--- file_nat.c.orig Thu Aug 22 00:04:23 1996 +++ file_nat.c Thu Aug 22 00:05:24 1996 @@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ } if (what & HFS_META_RFORK) { if (entry->type == HFS_CDR_FIL) {
meta->descr[0].length = entry->u.file.rsrc_fork.lsize;
meta->descr[0].length =
} } if (what & HFS_META_FLAGS) {swap32(entry->u.file.rsrc_fork.lsize);
__________________ David Lorin Goldstein _________________ dlg@where.com _______________________________________/ WHERE.COM,Inc. leaf@where.com \ Director of Information Technology / WebService root@where.com /_____________________________________\ Consulting __________________/ _________________