Sounds like you're not setting the Finder information for the files; Mac OS 9 uses the Finder Type and creator to find an application to open the file. Looks like SimpleText also looks at the file and checks to see whether the type is "TEXT".
Mac OS X recognizes file extensions in addition to the Finder information (and its TextEdit app obviously doesn't check the Finder Type in the Finder Info) so it has no problem just gong straight at the data.
If you want to verify your data structures, I bet "BBEdit" will read it without regard for the Finder info.
Hope that helps, -Patrick.
On Friday, April 26, 2002, at 07:44 AM, Biswaroop(External) wrote:
Hi Everybody,
I have enquired a very queer problem. What I did...
- Created a Volume File and inserted some Text documents in that volume.
- I then wrote that Volume Image file on to a CD using a mastering application which just dumps the image on to the disc.
- Took the CD and mounted it in Mac OS 9.2 The files were displayed but when I clicked it for opening it I got a Error Mssg saying "Simple Text" cannot open this Kind of File.
- Next I mounted it in Mac OS X the new OS from Mac. Amazing enough It showed all the files and the data correctly.
Inference: The data is written correctly on to the Cd and it is being recognized by Mac (MAC OS X). Both the OS show the files properly and recognize it as HFS formatted volume.
Point to note.. Since the text files were copied from a Windows volume in Binary mode no CRLF conversions were done. But in Mac OS X it didnot show any wrong display and everything was fine.
Thirdly when I wrote other types of files in the volume eg. *.htm, *.pdf They were shown in both the Mac OS's(9.2 and X) but again the Text files couldnot be opened only in Mac OS 9.2
Fourthly, when I mount the Volume File created by my application using a freeware"HFVExplorer" I can view all the files and data (i.e. Text files are getting opened and displayed). From all the above experiments I think my code is not the Culprit!! And only "Text Files" are not getting opened. Then where is the BUG?? Any ideas! have a nice weekend. Bye Biswaroop
The difference between sunrise and sunset lies in the freshness of your eyes. --Bisban