Hi all. I have a Mac CD that I'm trying to read, so I successfully inserted the hfs.o module into my 2.0.26 kernel.
Despite my being able to read the CDROM (PageMaker), its still says unknown cdrom format.
Also, I'm using mars_nwe, the netware emulator, and I cannot see this disc from a Win95 machine.
Any ideas on what I can do?
Thanks, Dave Wreski
my guess is that linux still doesnt recognise apple partition maps. i do not know if the hfs_fs package/module adds this functionality. i know that there is code for linux to recognise these partition maps, and i think there are people trying to get it put into the standard linux trees (is this right, Paul H.?); if you want to add it to your kernel, you can probably graft it from the linux-pmac project.
i'm fairly sure this is why its not working for you, i may be wrong, if i am, i'm sure someone will say something.