Just to be perfectly clear: you can force any folder to be the blessed folder by putting its directoryID into the longword 92 decimal (5C hex) into the THIRD block of the disk (block 0 and block 1 are boot blocks, block 2, the third block on the disk, is the Master Directory Block or MDB).
The Finder keys off the combined presence of "System" file and a "Finder" file to direct blessing. If you separate these two inside the currently blessed folder, the folder will be unblessed and the Finder will start keeping an eye out for new blessable folders. The moment you open another folder that has a "System" and a "Finder", that folder gets blessed.
You can bless any folder while you're running by first going into the current blessed folder, moving the Finder into, say, the Extensions folder, then closing that [old] system folder and opening the folder you'd like to be blessed instead. Once the new folder has been blessed you can pop the Finder out of the Extensions folder in the old system folder without changing the blessing.
Hope that clears it up, -Patrick.
No, what often happens is people want to have multi booting and such, or force folders to be bootable that acctually haven't be read and blessed by MacOS
they have been artificially created by tools like the HFSUtils. But if we put
directoryID into the first long word of the second block, it will become
Pat Dirks wrote:
I'm using vMac (www.vmac.org). What often happens, is that people can't
bless the
System Folder, is there any way to force the a specific folder to be
blessed from
outside the MacOS.
Well, I'm not sure what problems you might be having blessing a system folder: if you've successfully un-blessed any existing system folder (by moving the Finder into some subfolder, for instance) just opening the intended new system folder should take care of the blessing.
I don't know what means you have at your disposal "from outside the MacOS" but the Blessed Folder is recorded by a DirectoryID stored in the first longword of the volume's Finder Info, which is 92 (decimal, 5C hex) bytes into the volume's master directory block (block 2, third 512-byte block on the disk). You could always write the DirectoryID of your favorite folder there...
Hope that helps, -Pat Dirks.
-Andre Masella (amasella@ica.net)