Hi ,
Excuse if the question had been already seen on this list.
Is it possible for me to read ( and write ) Optical Disk on my Linux box (2.0.x) ?
which driver should I use ?
Gilles Lorphelin gl@mail.pf
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Gilles Lorphelin wrote:
Excuse if the question had been already seen on this list.
Is it possible for me to read ( and write ) Optical Disk on my Linux box (2.0.x) ?
which driver should I use ?
If you can put HFS on a hard disk or a floppy, you can put HFS on anything, correct? What kind of drive is your optical disk? (23MB floptical, PD, ???)
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Gilles Lorphelin wrote:
Hi , Excuse if the question had been already seen on this list. Is it possible for me to read ( and write ) Optical Disk on my Linux box (2.0.x) ? which driver should I use ?
Gilles Lorphelin gl@mail.pf
If you can just tell me what kind of optical disk.... I have a Fujitsu Magneto/Optical disk and i just mount it as it would be a standard hdd... What exactly are you trying to do?????? Pier