some time ago somebody has asked if MAD was ported to Texas
Instruments digital signal processors. I have not found any
information on it, so I decided to do it by myself. I compiled and ran
MAD on C6211 DSP - the slowest fixed-point chip in the C6000
family. MAD works very well, consumes 37% of CPU power in
mode. I also tested MAD on C6711 DSP (the slowest floating point
chip, pin-compatible with C6211), and again - MAD works well.
For those who are familiar with TI's development tools:
I ran MAD on 6211 and 6711 DSKs. Program uses DSP/BIOS for
threads managment (SWI threads) and communication with audio
codec and host. Decoded samples can be played on on-board
AD535 codec, send back to PC using HST module or played
through PCM3003 audio add-on card connected to 6711 DSK.
If somebody is interested in obtaining project files for Code
Comoser Studio (IDE enviroment by TI - something like Visual
Studio), let me know.
Now I plan to prepare TI-specific version of functions from fixed.h
and then I will try to make MAD Algorithm Standard compatible.
(Algorithm Standard is TI's standard for algorithms common API,
memory managment, portability, etc - for information of those who
are not TI programmers).
Tomasz Borukalo