>Subject: [mad-dev] malloc to static array
>Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 16:46:15 -0700
>Hello Everyone,
>Thanks for taking the time to read this. Im trying to replace some of the
>malloc's used in madlib as to avoid the overhead of malloc, since I am
>a SHARC DSP with limited memory and power. Anyway as per Andre's February
>2002 post,he suggests using static array's to contain the data rather than
>malloc, which makes sense. My problem is that Im not sure how to do that.
>sound simple but not being an overly experienced programmer, Im not sure
>what data type the array should be to house the data within a struct. Sorry
>I've tried a number of things but just am not sure how to do this. The
>orignal code in decoder.c, mad_decoder_run function is:
>decoder->sync = malloc(sizeof(*decoder->sync));
>using an unsigned char array such as:
>unsigned char syncDat[2000]; //sizeof originally yields ~1650 bytes, so
>2000 should be suffice
>and replacing the line of code with:
>decoder->sync = syncDat[0];
>Produces the following error
>".\decoder.c", line 558: cc0513: {D} warning: a value of type "unsigned
> cannot be assigned to an entity of type "struct <unnamed> *"
> decoder->sync = syncDat[0];
> ^
>Its obvious Im not completely sure what Im doing here. Any advice would be
>appreciated. Thanks!
This is really a C question. You could use either:
decoder->sync = &syncDat[0];
decoder->sync = syncDat;
And both of these assume that decoder->sync point to an array of unsigned
char, ie defined
unsigned char *syncDat; or equivalent in a struct.
HTH, Steve.