I've yesterday downlaoded the mad source (latest beta).. mad-0.13.0b.
ok.. my quest was (or is...) to compile mad to cris (made by Axis, 32 bit RISC, also know as etrax_lx) platform. Some tweaking with env. vars (CC=cris_gcc, etc)...
made a little ./configure "wrapper": #! /bin/sh rm config.cache
CC='gcc_cris -mlinux -DCRISMMU -muclibc=/home/antti/axis/devboard_lx/eroot' \ OBJCOPY=objcopy-cris \ LD=ld-cris \ AR=ar-cris \ RANLIB=ranlib-cris \ ./configure --host=unknown --target=cris --disable-nls --disable-aso --enabl e-fpm=approx
I had to do something bad also with the main configure script to avoid a problem with the big-endian test (system couldn't run the cris code... compiling under intel x86 ... with cris_gcc cross compiler..)
Ok.. with this setup (and some additional work before, cause cris uC-lib didn't have any native math suopport, which i had to add ... well... ) I managed to compile the whole thing without any ugly errors...
After this I naturally tested the thing with the native cris platform.. Madplay could read the mp3:s very well, but the output (to a wav file) wasn't too good.. I coud hear that the music was there, but there was also some additional noice a lot. any pointers where i shuld start digging... (?)