Of course you can do better than that. You can jump to any PCM sample
you like; you just have to find the right frame containing the position
want to jump to.
There is a caveat. In order to properly decode samples in one frame, it is often necessary to decode the previous frame so that the Layer III IMDCT overlap outputs are correct and the synthesis filterbank is in phase,
both carry state across frames.
Do you mean that right now, mad only try decoding at the seek offset without trying to get teh previous data necessary for decoding (like previous frames when main_data_begin>0)?
I think that some people would perhaps need such a behaviour. (but most end-users like me don't care about it).
Gabriel Bouvigne - France bouvigne@mp3-tech.org mobile phone: gsm@mp3-tech.org icq: 12138873
MP3' Tech: www.mp3-tech.org personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org