On Dec 2, 2003, at 11:00 PM, Grigory A. wrote:
I tested my implementation of some math function for MAD 0.15 library. And I have found this:
function mad_fixed_t III_requantize(unsigned int value, signed int exp) in layer3.c file
input value=8 exp=-23;
that means 8^(4/3)*2(-5.75) correct?
result obtained by mad_f_todouble(requantized)is
but calculator says
ans = 0.29730177875068
Which fixed-point math (FPM_* define) and optimization (OPT_*) settings are you using?
For FPM_INTEL with default optimization, I find III_requantize(8, -23) returns 0x04c1bf82 (0.29730177670717239).