i'm trying to get the best from madplay (0.2.12b), and my goal is to jump to certain milisecond in the song, when i get an interrupt (keyboard). i use mad_stream_skip within mad_header_dcode() to acheve this. while monitoring the latency between getting the interrupt and having the jump done, i noticed that both in assabet and intel PIII i acheve latency of between 2-50 miliseconds. by saying latency, i mean that while i wanted to jump to X position, i jumped de-facto to X+20ms, for example. can i make it better ? (i want to acheve <10ms or fixed latency up to 40ms) maybe my measure isnt right ? ( i take stream->current_frame time after the skip, when i get into mad_header_decode(), and the latency calculated by: latency=desired time-current time. maybe current time isnt calculated exctly ? mabe i need to use real-time linux kernel ?