I have compiled the library for an ARM7TDMI core and it works fine in the ARM simulator, when the simulator is set up to act like an ARM7TDMI (Not surprising...) Sadly the hardware we have is an ARM7DI, it does not have an extened multiply unit and therefore has a baby when we put the code into it.
Tried to force the compiler to compile for an ARM7DI target, but at the end of comilation received a host of errors, all relating to the SMULL instruction, only supported by the TDMI range of cores. (USed the -mcpu=ARM7DI flag in the makefile to set the target platform)
Is there a way to compile the library without incurring the SMULL instructions? I recall something to do with a generic C file that was slower than the optimised assemly, but was platform independant, I just can't remember enough details to dig it out and get it working. Does anyone know anything about this mysterious C file? Many thanks