We have completed the process of making 'madplay' into a lirc-client capable program along with enough internal testing to move forward.
We are looking for anyone who wants to help test this from eiter of these development communities.
Obviously anyone making a linux-based jukebox of any sort can benefit from direct infra-red control over the mp3 player.
Also, would like information from the mad-dev people about where to return the changed source files to the origional coders.
We've posted to both lists about problems setting up 'configure.ac' but we have resolved these issues, and the normal ./configure make make install process should work whether you have lirc installed or not. Additionally we added a --disable-lirc parameter to the ./configure process to disable lirc support at compile time even if it'd otherwise have been included.
Finally, we made a quick and dirty adjustment to the man page and README files to start documenting these changes.
Additional work on these will be done as time permits.
Please feel free to e-mail me directly cayuse@deepbondi.net if you want a tar-ball of the package. If there is enough interest, we'll consider hosting it on a web-site for easier distribution.
Regards Dave Henderson Mark Schultz