On Jul 29, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Matt Weber wrote:
What I would like to be able to do is see exactly how each individual input sample is being decoded and stored as pcm (pcm-
samples[]). My problem is that I can't see where the code is
outputting to the pcm->samples location. I'm a relatively inexperienced programmer, but would like to think I can manage to figure things out given time. What I imagine is happening is that these locations aren't being filled directly, but being passed an address somehow.
Sorry for this lame question, but I have spent hours stepping through the code and still cannot see how the pcm->samples are being filled. I believe the problem that I am having is related to some of the math which is performed on each sample. Seeing how each sample is being treated and comparing it with a working example should help me figure out a fix for this.
To answer your question, the array is filled in synth_full() or synth_half(), both found in synth.c, using pointer dereference assignment via pcm1 and pcm2.