I've just released mpg321 0.1.0, the port of mpg321 to mad. For those who don't know, mpg321 is my free implementation of mpg123, a popular command-line mpeg audio decoder. It is available as a Debian package in the unstable tree; version 0.1.0 will be available from the apt repositories tomorrow after the dinstall run.
I ask that those who aren't running Debian download mpg321 from http://gemini.woot.net/~hosehead/packages/mpg321_0.1.0.tar.gz (please note you'll also need libao for audio output - see the README) and test it out. There are certain features which need to be tested and discrepancies pointed out, so I can fix them (like the network support), and I'd also like to see if any frontends break with this version.