I thinked again about the dithering stuff.
Dithering is usefull when we normalized, mixed, or subquantized the audio. In the case of mp3, we done a subquantization. But this subquantization was not done in the time space, but in the frequency space. That's what make me think that dithering could be better used if applied in the frequency space. But of course a constant dithering factor over a granule would a totaly useless effect, as it wouldn't change over the granule duration. So I think that this should be done in the frequency space, but on time periods a lot shorter than a granule.
Does anyone have any opinion about this? Do you think it makes sense? Would it be feasible?
Gabriel Bouvigne - France bouvigne@mp3-tech.org mobile phone: gsm@mp3-tech.org icq: 12138873
MP3' Tech: www.mp3-tech.org