"Gabriel Bouvigne" bouvigne@mp3-tech.org wished for:
Information: information about the encoder used to produce the file
If not in an ID3v2 tag frame, where is this to come from? ID3v2 support is still on the list.
I think a very complicated scheme based on encoding particularities could be done, but as I said, very complicated. For Blade, if you've got a file where all crcs are broken, it's 99.999% sure that it comes from Blade. For Lame, it's written in the VBR header and also in the ancillary data. Delay and character used for padding could also be an indication.
I think it's dangerous to make assumptions about the encoder based on characteristics of the bitstream; what's true today may not be true tomorrow.
It would be much better to read this information from e.g. an ID3v2 tag.
Plugin info: reseting the info box on file change
I'm not sure what you mean?
Resetting the info like number of decoded samples, clipping level, MS usage when the track change.
I see. Unfortunately I don't like this idea because the Statistics tab makes up part of the properties for a single file. That's why the updates stop once the file has stopped playing. I think what you really want is a separate window that is independent of any file and always displays this information.
I'm not sure what interface in Winamp could be used to show this.
Decoding quality: an even better decoding quality due to post processing (oversampling)
A few people have mentioned oversampling to me, but I'm not yet convinced of the benefit.
I'm starting to asking myself if a separate library for sound processing wouldn't be a good thing. Dithering and oversampling could be put in this one.
A DSP plug-in with explicit support for MAD's internal sample format?