Hello there,
I want to build a simple mp3 player. Because I have access to a SAM3S EK2 evaluation board and a SAM-ICE debugger I want to try and use the MAD encoder on a SAM3S (in order to later build my own board with a SAM3S and a proper 16 bit stereo audio DAC). Now while I do have some experience with programming the SAM3S using modules from the Atmel Software Framework, I have not used third party code before.
If anyone here would be so kind and share their expertise with me to help me get this show on the road, I would very much appreciate it! This is what (little) I got so far:
I have added all the MAD sources to my project (using Atmel Studio) and included the mad.h in my main source file. Looking through the sources, I noticed that in the mad.h, line 27 I should probably change FPM_INTEL to FPM_ARM. When I try to compile, I get an error in fixed.h saying that no FPM was defined. So I added
#ifndef FPM_ARM #define FPM_ARM #endif #ifndef SIZEOF_INT #define SIZEOF_INT 4 #endif
at the beginning of fixed.h (because after adding only the define for FPM_ARM, I got another error concerning SIZEOF_INT).
Now when I compile, I get a lot of errors in inimdct_l_arm.s, most of them 'lo register required'.
I have next to no experience with assembler programming so this leaves me with a large question mark over my head. What steps do I have to take to make the encoder available on my ARM?
I hope I am not trying something completely stupid and please excuse any ignorance on my part. If anyone out there would be willing to help me, that would be awesome!
Best regards, Simon