I have compiled the madlib and tried to decode MPEG2 frames on a armv4 chip (AT91RM9200) with processor clock ~180 MHz but it seems too slow. I need to decode a MPEG2 (layerII) frame (say 224kHz) each 24 ms.
I have cross-compiled the madlib with the following configuration
CC=arm-elf-gcc RANLIB=arm-elf-ranlib LD=arm-elf-ld AR=arm-elf-ar ../mad- 0.14.2b/configure --enable-speed --enable-fpm=arm --disable-nls --disable- mmap --disable-debugging --host=arm-elf arm-elf
Correct configuration to enable speed or can I try something else?
Is any body sucessfully running this on this processor or similar?