Hi all!
Those acquainted with madlld (libMAD low-level demo) may have noticed the rather poor PCM output which comprises lots of noticeable sound dropouts.
This is related to a quick'n'dirty 16bit truncation done by MadFixedToUshort.
I spent several hours into gathering information about this problem and analysing the madplay package which provides better algorithms for this task.
Finally I wrote a header to be included in madlld.cpp.
I just want to keep you up to date with my implementation, so I've attached the header.
Please drop me a note if you find it useful.
Note that the copyright of the header still is retained by the madplay authors.
Good bye and have fun!
Jens Lippmann
How to incorporate the header:
1. Add these lines below the include section in madlld.cpp:
#include "madplay.h"
struct audio_stats Audio_stats;
struct audio_dither Audio_dither;
//#define MadFixedToUshort MadFixedToUshortOrig
#define MadFixedToUshort(a) (unsigned short)audio_linear_round(16,a,&Audio_stats)
//#define MadFixedToUshort(a) (unsigned short)audio_linear_dither(16,a,&Audio_dither,&Audio_stats)
2. Rename the function MadFixedToUshort into MadFixedToUshortOrig.
3. Clear Audio_stats and Audio_dither before you call MpegAudioDecoder (the decoding loop):
4. Convert your MP3 stream to PCM and listen with awe. ;->
The header follows below (I do not want to add it as an enclosure because it might not show up in the list archive then).
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* madplay - MPEG audio decoder and player
* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Robert Leslie
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
struct audio_stats {
unsigned long clipped_samples;
mad_fixed_t peak_clipping;
mad_fixed_t peak_sample;
struct audio_dither {
mad_fixed_t error[3];
mad_fixed_t random;
* NAME: clip()
* DESCRIPTION: gather signal statistics while clipping
static inline
void clip(mad_fixed_t *sample, struct audio_stats *stats)
enum {
if (*sample >= stats->peak_sample) {
if (*sample > MAX) {
if (*sample - MAX > stats->peak_clipping)
stats->peak_clipping = *sample - MAX;
*sample = MAX;
stats->peak_sample = *sample;
else if (*sample < -stats->peak_sample) {
if (*sample < MIN) {
if (MIN - *sample > stats->peak_clipping)
stats->peak_clipping = MIN - *sample;
*sample = MIN;
stats->peak_sample = -*sample;
* NAME: audio_linear_round()
* DESCRIPTION: generic linear sample quantize routine
# if defined(_MSC_VER)
extern /* needed to satisfy bizarre MSVC++ interaction with inline */
# endif
signed long audio_linear_round(unsigned int bits, mad_fixed_t sample,
struct audio_stats *stats)
/* round */
sample += (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS - bits));
/* clip */
clip(&sample, stats);
/* quantize and scale */
return sample >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - bits);
* NAME: prng()
* DESCRIPTION: 32-bit pseudo-random number generator
static inline
unsigned long prng(unsigned long state)
return (state * 0x0019660dL + 0x3c6ef35fL) & 0xffffffffL;
* NAME: audio_linear_dither()
* DESCRIPTION: generic linear sample quantize and dither routine
# if defined(_MSC_VER)
extern /* needed to satisfy bizarre MSVC++ interaction with inline */
# endif
signed long audio_linear_dither(unsigned int bits, mad_fixed_t sample,
struct audio_dither *dither,
struct audio_stats *stats)
unsigned int scalebits;
mad_fixed_t output, mask, random;
enum {
/* noise shape */
sample += dither->error[0] - dither->error[1] + dither->error[2];
dither->error[2] = dither->error[1];
dither->error[1] = dither->error[0] / 2;
/* bias */
output = sample + (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - bits - 1));
scalebits = MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - bits;
mask = (1L << scalebits) - 1;
/* dither */
random = prng(dither->random);
output += (random & mask) - (dither->random & mask);
dither->random = random;
/* clip */
if (output >= stats->peak_sample) {
if (output > MAX) {
if (output - MAX > stats->peak_clipping)
stats->peak_clipping = output - MAX;
output = MAX;
if (sample > MAX)
sample = MAX;
stats->peak_sample = output;
else if (output < -stats->peak_sample) {
if (output < MIN) {
if (MIN - output > stats->peak_clipping)
stats->peak_clipping = MIN - output;
output = MIN;
if (sample < MIN)
sample = MIN;
stats->peak_sample = -output;
/* quantize */
output &= ~mask;
/* error feedback */
dither->error[0] = sample - output;
/* scale */
return output >> scalebits;