I am trying to understand the synthesis filter
bank in the LIBMAD. I could not understand in what
order the D coefficients are used to obtain the PCM
samples. Also,half of these coefficients have some
relation to the other half. Then, why all the
coefficeints are being used in D.dat file? What is the
significance of even and odd pointers? How is the
windowing operation between U vector and D vector
taking place?
Also, I would like to know if we can further
optimize the LIBMAD source code. For e.g, by using
Cooley-Tukey algorithm for the calculation of
fastdct() and dct32() . Could anyone suggest any
further optimization techniques for porting LIBMAD on
an ARM processor?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,
Karthika Lakshmi.
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