I was wondering; since mp3 is a closed format that you need to pay royalties
for, how does libmad get around this?
Also I was looking at the libmad page and noticed it said this under
"MAD is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version
2 <http://www.underbit.com/resources/license/gpl/>, for either permanent use
or for evaluation prior to obtaining a commercial license."
Just to be clear, if you use libmad commercially you can either do so with
the GPL license (satisfying that license) or you can contact the owners of
the library to talk about paying for a non GPL commercial license right?
I am looking for a way to convert mp3 to wav in a product that is going to
be released commercially and libmad really seems like the perfect fit, I
just want to make sure I know what's up with licensing before commiting to
this path.
Thanks a bunch!