Someone has already written a wrapper program: http://members.nbci.com/kmixer/www/ I have used it and have verified that it works with my M-Audio DiO 2448 card. There is one problem, however: the virtual audio device that it creates doesn't show up in the list in Winamp! I did some hex editing of the DLL in hopes that Winamp wasn't recognizing the name of it. The virtual device name shows up as "M Audio DiO 2448 (WWWrapped)" so I thought the parenthesis were confising matters. I changed the parentheses to brackets and even standard alphanumeric characters, all with similar results.
The web page mentioned above gives some more insight into this problem.
Thank you Ian for this reply. I got all excited and downloaded and installed the wrapper. As you say it does not show up in Winamp. Well, actually it does but the name is just " r". Selecting it does not work, though no error messages are displayed either.
DID you actually get it to work. If I'm reading your reply correctly, it didn't work for you even after DLL was edited and changed, right? Or are you saying it didn't work just for Winamp?
Am I back to square 1?
Hitesh Patel.