I have a project that port madplay into embedded system(CPU:ARM, OS:uclinux). I know madplay can be build on uclinux using uclibc and arm cpu using arm-linux-gcc respectively. But, when I port madplay to embedded system with ARM and uclinux using arm-elf-gcc, I encountered some problems. The following is my make step:
I use cygwin and arm-elf-gcc to build my project.
export CPPFLAGS='-I/usr/local/include/' export LDFLAGS='-I/usr/local/lib/'
$cd zlib-1.1.4 modify configure AR=$(AR-"ar rc") ---> AR="arm-elf-ar rc" RANLIB=$(RANLIB-"ranlib") ---> RANLIB=arm-elf-ranlib $./configure ---------------->down
$cd libid3tag-0.15.1b $./configure CC=arm-elf-gcc --host=arm-elf --build=arm $make $make install ---------------->down
$cd libmad-0.15.1b $./configure CC=arm-elf-gcc --host=arm-elf --build=arm $make $make install ---------------->down
$cd madplay-0.15.2b $./configure CC=arm-elf-gcc --host=arm-elf --build=arm ---------------->error, because it can not find libmad and libid3tag. But I am sure the lib path is correct.
Where am I wrong with the configure setting?? Whether madplay can't be ported to embedded system with ARM and uclinux or I should use anyother corse compiler.
thanks for any reply.