I've been using MAD with an M Audio Audiophile 2496 card for a week now. Here's what I've found.
The oscilliscope and VU meter is useless in 24 or 32 bit resolution mode; it just constantly squiggles, even during silent passages. With my particular card, 24 bit resolution only works with a waveOut buffer of 9000 ms or more. If I use a lower buffer, the MP3 files will start "screeching", making nothing but a loud static noise if I scan through the song. However, 32 bit resolution works fine. MAD's 32-bit output is padded 24-bit, correct Rob? Well, I'm using it with my 24-bit sound card, and it works perfectly with the default waveOut settings.
And like I even need to say this, MAD at 24-bit resolution blows Fraunhofer or audioEnlightenment out of the water. I'm using a Creek OBH-11 headphone amplifier mated to Sony MDR-V6 Studio Monitor headphones, and the difference is pretty stark and obvious. The MAD output sounds more natural, has better instrument decay, has more bass power, and the bass is smoother and the treble clearer. Fraunhofer sounds positively fake in comparison.
Regards to you all,