At 09:55 AM 21/02/2002 +0100, Hans Laros wrote:
although it sounds silly that compressing and upsampling would better the soundquality, I remember a review of the 18-bits DCC player (sadly lost the war with minidisc) where a few panel meber actually thought that the dcc (blind test) sounded more analogue / less grainy / clearer than the original cd that was included in the blindtest aswell. Can't remember the cd-player in question, but they did use a very high quality one.
I borrowed a high quality cd player to make copies of cd's onto minidisc and blow me over but the copy seemed to be more dynamic and spritely then the original, the minidisc is 20-bit. And while I was expecting it not to sound much diffrent it was better. the diffrence was not a subtle one.